OXO Museo Videojuego Madrid tiene como misión trabajar en la conservación, preservación y restauración del legado histórico de los videojuegos.
From its conception to its commercialization and availability to the final consumer, the video game goes through different creative, industrial and commercial stages involving dozens of professionals such as artists, entrepreneurs, scriptwriters, creatives, programmers, designers and manufacturers. Our mission is to value the work of all these professionals and recover their works to preserve and expose this legacy for present and future generations of video game lovers and creators.
From OXO we appeal to individuals and collectors interested in participating in this work of conservation and exhibition through the donation or transfer of all kinds of material and artifacts related to the video game such as hardware, software, computers or consoles for preservation. If you are interested in collaborating, please fill out this form and we will contact you.
Fill out the form and we will contact you.