You can choose between two modalities:
Entrance gift:Click below on ’GIFT TICKET‘and give the gift of an unforgettable experience to whomever you prefer. The entrance no definite dateSimply go to the museum entrance and redeem it at your convenience.
Pase anual: Haz clic más abajo en “PASE ANUAL” y accede durante un año, desde la fecha de compra, todas las veces que quieras a OXO Museo Málaga y Madrid. Para poder acceder será imprescindible presentar tu DNI junto al pase.
Daily admission:In the calendar below, select the day of your choice. Within each day, you will see the available time slots. Once you have selected the time slot, you will be able to access the available rates (general admission, reduced admission or family pack).
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Yes, we have discounts for children under 13 years old, senior ticket for seniors over 65 years old and reduced price for people with disabilities (must be justified in the access). We also have a Family Pack valid for 4 people (2 adults and 2 children under 13 years old).